24 months guarantee

To ensure maximum product quality, we rely on experienced employees and the use of carefully selected materials in all manufacturing processes. We demand the highest quality from ourselves so that our customers can enjoy their products for a long time.
That's why we proudly offer our "24-month guarantee" on all Victoria Hyde products!

In detail:
The two-year manufacturer's warranty is granted from the date of purchase by us, BBD Best Buy Eruope GmbH, Wendenstraße 130 A, 20537 Hamburg. It applies across Europe. The statutory warranty right (liability for defects) is not restricted by the guarantee. The warranty covers all repair and shipping costs for defects that occur during the warranty period and that are not due to wear and tear, normal consumption or mishandling, or affect the durability of the battery. In the event of a warranty claim, please contact us by providing your name and order number. We will process your request immediately after the product arrives and, after checking it, refund you the shipping costs. After the product has been sent in, we will repair it free of charge or replace it with an equivalent product.