Business-Tasche Lambeth Schwarz
Victoria Hyde, Handtasche, Schultertasche, Shopper, Damentaschen, Lambeth, Schwarz, verstell- und abnehmbaren Tragegurtes
Elegant, klassisch und stillvoll - diese Eigenschaften vereint die Handtasche Lambeth in der Farbe Schwarz von Victoria Hyde London. Die goldenen Details harmonieren wunderbar mit dem Schwarz der Tasche. Das texturierte Kunstleder kommt ganz ohne tierische Bestandteile aus, steht echtem Leder aber weder in der Optik noch in der Qualität nach. Die Handtasche kann sowohl in der Hand, als auch, dank des verstell- sowie abnehmbaren Tragegurtes über der Schulter oder als Crossbody Bag getragen werden. Eine wunderschöne, königliche Handtasche, die jedem Alltags- sowie Abendlook zusätzliche Eleganz verschafft.
Die Handtasche ist außerdem in den Farben Orange und im Leoparden-Muster erhältlich.
- Maße: 30 cm x 24 cm x 13 cm
- Material:Lederimitat und Shantungseide
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About the product
The work and business life of women all over the world has changed dramaticallydue to digitisation and new forms of international collaboration in the past decade
Today, we are living in the NEW WORK era.

-The modern woman doesn't need a handbag that just looks good, they need anaccessory that can empower them and offer a real functional advantage.
That's why we've launched NEW WORK BAG and NEW WORK ACCESSORIES
With a free and open design concept interpret women's bags and return to their original self, simple and generous.
Just like Maugham's Lambeth Lisa, she bravely pursues happiness and dreams and her "true self" attitude is not limited to one foot and one inch, and her gestures exude elegant charm.
It identifies five characteristics which are important in this new work/life balance: DESIGN,SPACE,INNER ORGANISATION,MATERIAL and PRICE.
we offer different styles and colors to meet the needs of a variety of personalized looks and clothing combinations.
the magic formula for NEW WORK BAGS is: "As much volume as necessary, as compact as possible”.
we have improved the use of environmentally friendly super fiber fabrics which are characterized by being lightweight, waterproof, wear - resistant and environmentally friendly.
we have innovated exquisite structuring,which is also the biggest feature of our new workplace package and anexclusive patent.
With the NEW WORK BAG'S variety of internal and external pocket tags, slip pockets and shoulder straps,
as well as an easy - to access mechanism, it helps you store all your essentials more conveniently and safey.
These functional partitions such as a phone pocket, anearphone pocket, glasses hangers, pen inserts,
detachable toiletry bag and ID pocket make sure that good things are in their preferred place.

At VICTORIA HYDE we believe we should contribute our small part to supportmodern women to meet those challenges by empowering them with the right fashion accessories.

T-shaped drum body is soft and versatile
The body shape of the bag adopts a simple T-shape, which is low-key and elegant
The package is made of soft PU fabric, with a delicate and smooth texture and a comfortable feel

MATERIAL DESCRIPTION-microfibe synthetic leather
What do you think of the new work bag?

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